
13 December 2018 Author :  

Senate shall de-register a postgraduate student if:

1. The student fails to live up to the academic requirements as spelt out in sections 10.2.1/2/3/4 for Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s and Doctoral programmes.
2. The candidate’s conduct is contrary to the University Rules and Regulations.
3. The candidate or candidate’s sponsor fails to remit funds to the University for the conduct of studies.
4. The candidate has not completed the prescribed studies after;
i. Three (3) years for full-time or five years for part-time studies since the date of registration in a Masters degree programme.
ii. Five (5) years for full-time or seven years for part-time studies since the date of registration in a Doctoral degree programme.
5. The candidate has not submitted the final revised thesis after the prescribed time decided during the Oral Defense.

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