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As soon as the external examiners report and at least one internal examiner’s report are received, the Dean of SPG&S shall, in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty concerned, convene a meeting of the Board Examiners at which the examiners’ reports and other academic matters arising from the thesis shall be considered.
The degree Doctor of Science (DSc) or Doctor of Letters (DLitt.) differs from the other postgraduate research degrees in that no specific course of study is required.
Amoud University continues to lead other institutions of higher learning in Somaliland and the Somali regions. In June 2012, the postgraduate and research Department was established and successfully launched, whose aim was to produce home-grown Masters Graduates and eventually, in the near future, PHD Graduates.
Jaamacadda Camuud qaybta waxbarashada Master-ka ah waxay ku war galinaysa in ay bilaabmayso diwaangalintu 25/08/2018 ilaa 05/10/2018. Barnaamijyada jaamacaddu waa:-